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Our Rational

The current Educational environments throughout Scotland are deemed by many to be unstable establishments for modern day children. Our curriculum, although flexible,  seems to be stagnated within the current cohort of teaching professionals. Our children have progressed with the times, yet our education system remains unable to meet these changes and make the appropriate developments needed to boost pupils to meet their full potential. 


Many pupils and families are struggling to progress within this outdated education system and although it had been rightly identified that we should be "Getting it Right For Every Child" the current practicalities of regressive education do not match the  needs of the progressive theory. It is now time to embrace a change and for us that is to develop a way in which education is motivational, relevant and adaptable to every single child in a vast variety of environments. 


In a world where everything is tailor made to meet the ever changing needs and desires of individuals, is it any wonder our current educators are at breaking point, burning themselves out to meet the needs of each personality within their settings. This coupled with temporary teaching contracts which result in teacher drop out and retention rates escalating the  negative impact is being felt across the sector putting further strain on educational professionals to "pick up the slack" ramifications of a work force under pressure. 


Increasing numbers of child wellbeing and mental health issues are crippling our young people's ability to learn and achieve in a way that will propel them into success later on in Education or indeed in employment.


To us the simple answer is staring us directly in the face. A method which allows our children to go back to basics on foundations of simple skills such as identification, discussion and curiosity. A method which allows our children to put something into practice practically before writing about it. A method which allows our children whilst learning to exercise, subtle changes in environment, building resilience and being able to plan, organise and work through any challenges they may face in a manageable way.


A method which allows our educational providers to offer children freedom from the constraints of a stuffy classroom, give them opportunities to diversify learning and really put the curriculums flexibility to the test whilst taking an interdisciplinary approach that makes all kind of learning fun, accessible and engaging for everyone, All this with the added benefit of relaxed working exercise and an opportunity to boost their own well being in the process.


Scottish Outdoor Learning Association

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